Thymos - Philosophy, Art and Gung-Fu

mmmm fresh rant. Also: go away - this rant not for you.

Monday, August 30, 2004

The "War of All" or the Tao Te Ching: A brief look at the justice of self-defense


Prussian philosopher, Carl Von Clausewitz, argued in his book On War that war is nothing more than policy by other means. War he equates to the duel. In which two opposing forces struggle to incapacitate the other in order to render them helpless to resist them. In this sense, in the political sphere, all people everywhere impose policy, from nations, to cities, to communities and cultures, in peaceful contracts and deals, to violent individuals in the bars and on the streets. Of course, there is a constant battle between criminals and police - each imposing their policy upon the other, the latter according to the laws of our regime, the former by any means necessary.

In our society the sovereign rules supreme, and any force beyond what the general will deems good for the community, simply put, is against the laws of the state which exist in order to preserve the peace of the society. But there are cracks in the system. For as Hobbes says where the sovereign cannot enforce the law with the sword there is no law, for nothing is easier broken than a man's word.

This leaves us citizens with a dilemma. As long as our regime stays strong and has a strong legal system and police force, we don't have to worry much about others imposing their will upon us overtly (although we still must worry about others covertly imposing their will against us using the system of schools, education, the media, etc. This imposition through formal and informal education however is a topic for another paper. In this paper I am concerned with the duel, violence in the civil sphere, when overt policy imposition turns to violence for whatever reason). However, when there are gaps in the ability for the police force to impose the regime's policy upon criminals (enemies of the state - those who would impose their own policy contra to the policy of the regime which makes them, by that very definition, criminals) what can a citizen justly do in defending themselves against such internal enemies? Also, what duty do we as citizens have to prepare ourselves in order to defend ourselves, our loved ones, our property, and ultimately our regime?

Largely the answers to these questions would differ upon the regime in which one abides, and the laws of that regime. For us Canadians, what one can lawfully do to another in self defence would of course be covered by our local laws and Charter of Rights, which one may arguably trace back to Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. However, in this paper, I wish to discuss, if possible, what is permanent and universal to the duties of a citizen to defend their own. As I have said above, it is plausible to believe all regimes have cracks in the system where the Leviathan cannot watch or strike all the time, especially ours. It is almost certainly an undeniable fact that civil violence (muggings, street fights, domestic violence) occurs in every city and in every state, in every regime and in every time in history. The only difference is in what extent each regime justifies such actions. As such, it seems the citizen has reason to investigate regardless of era or regime what is their duty and prudence in planning to, and actually defending themselves from local brigands, and other citizens who for whatever reason wish to impose their policy upon them by physical means.

The Excellent Citizen

Ever since, and especially during, ancient times the common citizen has been aware that at any moment the polity may crumble and war will be upon them. Or even if the polity still imposes its policy upon the citizens that an aggressive internal force may intend to impose their will on you when the regime is not watching (which may even be the forces of said regime). As such, an axe or shield has never been far from grasp, and the inability to fight with little notice only comes with the advent of increased civilisation. It seems, save for perhaps ancient Sparta, the stronger a sovereign becomes the more un-warlike and unable to defend oneself the populace becomes. This however leaves citizens ripe to be abused - the wolves only pray on the infirm, those who cannot defend themselves.

As such, and for other more virtuous (and less practical) reasons, philosophers have professed an ethic for excellence of both body and soul. Lao Tsu argues in the Tao Te Ching:
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight: No blame.

As can be seen in this verse, Lao Tsu claims in the Tao Te Ching (which means the path and/or laws to and/or of virtue) that being excellent entails both virtue of mind and body. With this, being ready for battle (watching the "timing") goes hand in hand - one who is virtuous both can and ought watch the conditions for battle and act if and when the time is right. If the human is a political animal, as Aristotle argues, then the excellent human must also be an excellent citizen. The excellent human is the one which is by their nature the most ready for all things, not necessarily by ingenuity (or effectiveness in the Machiavellian sense) but as being one with the Tao (enlightened, or virtuous).

This sentiment is echoed in perhaps a more explicit and structured argument approximately a century later and many miles west by Plato in his masterpiece on education called the Republic. For he says, "Then the man who's going to be a fine and good guardian of the city for us will in his nature be philosophic, spirited, swift, and strong." In Plato's terms, the man who is a good guardian of the city is the man who is virtuous and excellent of both body and soul. It is this kind of man, this ‘lean dog', who has the spirited, strong, and trained body required for excellence at combat, and yet who are gentle to those they know. As such, this kind of human is an excellent guardian of both the city, but all that they know and love. Consequently, it seems it is this virtuous citizen who may defend their own best if the time arrises that another wishes to impose an unjust will upon them. The excellent defender in combat is one which is trained in both body and mind in order to become excellent, that is to say to make them naturally as good as they can be. Being excellent at combat and defence comes by virtue of being excellent.

Effect vs. Excellence

That is not to say that our excellent citizen who may have a higher likelihood of defending themselves ought not use any effective means available to them. Certainly, those who wish to impose their policy upon us will use whatever means they deem necessary to do so. As such, if we wish to be and are justified in being effective at defending ourselves, and there is no prior recourse for our defence, it seems to follow we need to include in the training of these capable citizens the latest and most effective means, techniques, and even equipment that is required for our defence. For our day and age, this would include knowledge and adequate training in knives, blunt weapons, chemical deterrents (pepper spray, etc), and perhaps even firearms. However, by this argument does it follow that all citizens ought to be trained in such weapons, or even more extremely, walk about armed with such weapons?

At this point it becomes prudent to return to the original question of my paper: What duty to themselves and others does a citizen have in terms of their own self defence against an internal aggressor both in terms of action and preparation for possible action, and is there a trans-societal, trans-political, and trans-historical answer to this question? It would seem that according to the arguments of the ancients above that the most well trained individual, the most excellent or virtuous man, is naturally the best at all things human, including physical defence. The ancient philosophers were well aware that attack could come at any time and the wise human knew how to defend themselves, and what they loved, against it. In their terms it seems that this defence entailed being excellent of both mind and body. As such, it seems in their view that the human is justified in educating for excellence and preservation of what was deemed "the good", which at the very least included caring for and preserving the self and one's close relations.

As Clausewitz argues in his book On War nearly two thousand years later, regimes that fail to maximize their force during peace time simply make themselves prey of the regimes that do desire to maximize their destructive force at all times. As I have argued above, if one looks to society the same would apply to individual citizens. As such it seems prudent and the duty of all citizens to becomes as excellent (in body and soul) as possible in the sense argued for by the ancient philosophers, if nothing else for their own preservation. Those who do not are making prey of themselves.

But is simple physical and mental strength and harmony between them enough in our technologically ridden time? And this still does not answer the question when it is just to defend oneself and to what extent. If one attacks you with a knife is it just for you lop off his leg with a sword? Or are you entitled only to run away? Being in better physical and mental shape then an enemy will certainly even in our day and age help with physical combat, but what if those who would impose their will upon you would do so at the end of a gun? Does this mean you are justified in carrying a similar weapon to prepare for such eventualities? Does it mean you are just in using such a weapon?

In some sense, these particular questions surpass the realm of that which is permanent and universal, which is my focus here. Suffice to say whether or not it is legal for one to walk about armed with the latest weapons is a matter of local law (and of course a source of much heated debate for our neighbour to the south, who are more "lenient" in this regard, but not so much of a concern here - billion dollar gun registries for farmer's shotguns not withstanding). However, it seems that if one has the chance of being accosted by a gun toting criminal, and there are sufficient cracks in that person's regime's ability to defend them against this criminal, it would certainly and permanently seem prudent for that citizen to have at least the knowledge of how to prevent or limit damage to themselves from such an attack, if not the actual arms and training and even possibly equipment to make for an adequate defence. In fact, if the regime to the south is a Hobbesian state as is often said, then in these particular terms one may argue that when the sovereign cannot defend you, one is entitled to go back to the state of nature, in which case you have every right to defend yourself by all means necessary.

But this strays from my purpose. It is always and everywhere that people need to defend themselves. No regime is so efficient or totalitarian that it can watch everyone or be everywhere at all time. Therefore to defend oneself one needs the amount of training and knowledge (in becoming universally excellent, and particularly effective) as much as their particular time, place, and personal nature dictates. As much as it is likely they will be attacked in their current regime, with what means they will be attacked, and to the extent dictated by their final good or natural excellence. To that end it will always follow that increasing their own inherent excellence (body and mind) will be an integral part of their preparation for self defence (to whatever degree is appropriate, and sometimes follow that citizens may need to arm themselves with extra equipment. In some places in Italy during Renaissance times this may have included a knife or a Rapier, in some places in America today that may include a nine millimetre Gloc handgun.

This being said however, a melee attack is (and always has been) for humans the most primary and universal threat, the threat coming from those toting the most sophisticated weapons being less likely overall. As such, in a place where guns are common, a defender's defence strategy (training and equipment) must take this into consideration. In other words, in this regime they must be knowledgeable in where not to go to prevent conflict (where it is likely they will encounter those aggressors with weapons), in how to react in order to reduce likelihood of damage, and in the most drastic situation in how to disarm such aggressor if possible and lastly to carry a weapon of equal or sufficient force to render the aggressor incapable of resisting your will. But overall, a melee attack from an aggressor (internally - from a fellow subject) is the threat which we must be concerned over most of history, and even now in our more or less well policed regime of Canada.

In Clausewitzian terms, if one must be concerned with the possibility of physical violence or melee attack then one must increase their "relative strength". Strength for Clausewitz is the physical force or strength and mental strength (or will) of the fighting unit. In terms of individual defence what is the best method of increasing ones excellence of body and mind? For the mind, one may arguably respond philosophic education makes one most generally thoughtful about all things and most spiritually excellent. And in practical terms related to our topic, education may and ought to include practical self-defence knowledge which educate in practical terms what to do and not to do in current day situations.

Is knowledge and excellence of mind enough to suffice for a defence strategy for citizens in any regime, or especially ours? Maybe in our well policed regime. Maybe not. Certainly it is an integral part. But two factors conspire to demand further steps be taken. Humans are a dual creature: part spiritual and part physical, and both parts may be damaged. Even the best planning and the most keen mind cannot be proof against unwanted physical attacks, especially for those in a typical position to be attacked. As such, it follows that if it is prudent and necessary to educate and perfect one part of the human essence for self defence, the other part must also be perfected and made excellent. That of the body. For this, we turn to the Martial Arts and the ancient art of Tai Chi.

Martial Arts and Tai Chi

Kung Fu movies, "Tai Bo", and pop-culture aside, the Martial Arts are an ancient practice dating back some argue to the time of when Lao Tsu wrote the Tao Te Ching. In fact, practitioners of Taoism claim that various styles of Tai Chi are a natural extension of Taoism's dictates.

Whatever the origin Martial Arts train and perfect the body for physical conflict and are usually oriented to self-defence and sometimes to natural body harmony. Although the Martial Arts differ from what are called hard styles (Karate, Tai Qwon Do, boxing, etc) to soft styles (Tai Chi, Aikido, Jujitsu), and from external styles (Karate, some forms of Hungar or Northern Mantis Kung Fu) to internal styles (Tai Chi, Qigong, and Bagua Zhan) they all share one aspect all forms target specifically against melee attacks - even against armed opponents. The hard external styles focus on external strikes, blocks, and body strength to attack the enemy, the internal and soft styles focus on redirection, sweeps, movement and internal coordination or concentration (or an energy sometimes mystically referred to as Chi) for self defence and other amazing and much debated feats. Certainly athleticism in general can increase body excellence - but it is Martial Arts in particular which (when educated correctly - more on this below) can best increase the fighting ability of the defender and the spiritual and bodily health of the defender.

As has been argued, it seems that potentially any citizen may be subject to the aggressive imposition of someone's will, even in the most heavily policed regimes, especially physically weaker members of society. If Martial Arts can both increase the defender's ability to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their own, and make themselves more able to resist the aggressive wills of other citizens (not to mention all other hostile organisms) then it seems that a prudent and dutiful citizen ought to participate in the Martial Arts to some extent, especially the members which are more likely prey. Surely the greatest weapon of the citizen and proof against attack is knowledge - but total prevention of attack in even the most just regimes is impossible and the losses can be permanent and irrevocable. As such, it would be both prudent and dutiful for all citizens who desire their own preservation, and the preservation of their own and loved ones, to maximize their inherent force and to train themselves in the physical methods of self defence as taught by and ever since the ancients of China and Tibet to the extent that is appropriate to their particular nature and time and place.

But numerous questions erupt at my last point: what is just for this Martial Artist to do? Won't they be violent? How can the old do it? Suffice to say, as I have argued, if any human wishes to avoid having their will being imposed upon (and the will of their loved ones) they are duty bound to undertake whatever means are necessary to their preservation. The best means available are becoming inherently excellent, in both body and soul as this can never be unarmed from them and is always relevant as long as humans can be physically harmed. Second to this is becoming practically effective, in both technique, training and equipment for their time and place. All of this follows only in so far as the training process does not reduce their ability to 1) become excellent and 2) defend themselves.

As such, the old or the unsuited for education in excellence arguably ought not be educated in this way. However, it follows that reciprocally those who cannot defend themselves ought not willfully place themselves in harm's way, unless they have no other choice, in which case they ought have friends and protectors who may defend them in their stead. True, we certainly feel our grandmothers and grandfathers, our daughters, sisters and friends, ought to be able to walk about unmolested. But this condition does not always hold (in any time or regime) even in the best parts of town or campus, not to mention the places in any city anyone simply ought not walk. If one insists on going where the Leviathan cannot protect them (and insist on having a right to do so), then they have a reciprocal duty to take whatever measures of security are required to reasonably ensure their defence in these threatening areas. One who cares for our good ought to take care of us who does not know what our good is.

And here Tai Chi becomes prevalent to my discussion again. For it is the answer to the cautioning questions above regarding the old participating, the practitioners becoming violent, and the means questionable. The answer is simple - the various styles of Tai Chi are not trained in or with aggression, in fact it tries to oppose and reduce it and focus on body control and reducing aggressive tensions in the body and mind of the practitioner in order to become most excellent and reciprocally, most effective. A total harmony of consciousness and body. For as Lao Tsu writes:
Weapons are instruments of fear; they are not a wise man's tools.
He uses them only when he has no choice.
Peace and quiet are dear to his heart,
And victory no cause for rejoicing.

And so to do the current practitioners of Tai Chi (both Taoists and non-Taoist Tai Chi) emulate. Furthermore, the movements are simple and natural to the extent that only the most infirm could not participate. As such, it is right for old and young, men and women.

But is it effective? A demonstration of its effectiveness cannot obviously be had here. Logically any amount of self defence training would suffice to increase the possible force of the defender. As it turns out, Tai Chi (sometimes combined with other internal styles of Bagua Zhan or Kung Fu) has proven to be immensely effective, and for many centuries the Shaolin monks of ancient China were sought after for their battle prowess. However, today, in our time, for my argument here, any amount of training would suffice - Tai Chi being extra useful in that it is easy on the body, increases natural coordination, balance and muscle endurance in a natural non-jarring way, and in no way inculcates aggressive tendencies the way other harder styles might.

As well, in terms of our main question, what is just for our defender to accomplish in battle becomes answered in a way we may not have suspected. For unlike war, in which Clausewitz argues total destruction is necessarily the most just in the long run, Tai Chi as an art (and the other soft grappling styles) provides the practitioner the option to hold and restrain an attacker with or without damaging them. Sometimes a simple arm lock is enough to dissuade an attacker, or carry them to the authorities or other help. If not and the situation warrants, the Martial Artist can switch to more damaging, painful, permanent, and persuasive means to avoid their will being imposed upon by incapacitating their foe in order to coerce them to agreeing to not fight. But Tai Chi, as opposed to some harder styles which only focus on aggression and attack, provides the excellence of body and will in order to effectively defend oneself and persevere peacefully and calmly in the face of danger. As Lao Tsu writes, weapons and violence are not the wise man's tools, they use them only when they have no other choice. However, in order to use their natural weapons (being the most effective and inherent weapons - the body, the mind, and the harmony thereof), the wise and virtuous human must be educated how.

Works Cited and Consulted

1. Plato, The Republic, trans by Allan Bloom (Basic Books, USA, 2nd Ed., 1991).

2. International Taoist Tai Chi Society,, Copyright © International Taoist Tai Chi Society, 2003.

3. Nine Dragon Baguazhang,
nine_dragon_arts.html, Copyright Internal Arts Center, 2003.

4. Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, trans by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English, (Vintage Books Edition, 1972),

5. Carl Von Clausewitz, On War, trans by Micheal Howard and Peter Paret, (Princeton University Press, 1984).

6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On the Social Contract, trans by Donald A. Cress, (Hackett Publishing Co., 1987).

7. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, (Hackett Publishing Co., 1994).

Why Artificial Intelligence can Never Get it Right


Artificial Intelligence or AI is a hot topic these days. Whether that is caused by sci-fi movies, or the possibility of creating and expanding the possibility of human like existence, or the instinct or will to dominate over all life forms, either way, scientists seem hell bent on creating a thinking computer. One that doesn’t react, but understands and acts of its own volition. Creating an Artificial intelligence in mimicry, or even possibly in superiority, to our natural intelligence.

In this paper I will argue that AI enthusiasts may have a fundamental error which, in my view, will preclude them from ever attaining their goal – of creating a computer born synthetic intelligence. My reasoning is simple: the error is apparent in the very name that they choose for their endeavor: artificial intelligence. This, I argue, is a pair of incompatible terms, thus indicating the impossibility of the endeavor, stemming from a lack of understanding of the very thing they need to know - what intelligence is in itself, and what method would be required to know this.

How can I argue such a presumptuous thing, and what consequences of my argument may be observed? Before I can argue such a presumptuous thesis however a few more presumptions about my presumptuousness must first be admitted: 1) I fully admit I know next to nothing about Artificial Intelligence, theoretical Mathematics, physics, advanced electrical engineering, advanced computer programming, and advanced (or even basic) neurochemistry. 2) I do not intend to discuss or look at any of these complicated subjects in my critique of the foundations and methods of artificial intelligence or discussion of actual intelligence. One could admit, it hardly seems someone with my apparent lack of intelligence should be arguing about intelligence at all.

That being said, if I may be permitted, I would like to explain my intention as not presenting a positive thesis or outright proving anything new in these various subject matters which are beyond me, but only critiquing what I think is a mistake made by them on a meta-discussion or philosophical level, for which my abilities are yet to be tested. In doing so, I should like to appeal to the common belief in the suitability of common language argument to such an endeavor in order to make a case for my thesis about mistakes made by a technical discipline. In other words, I shall use the language of these schools as it has been passed down to me through a few articles, but mainly common media and parlance in order to make a simple argument in a non-technical way with perhaps technical consequences. My readers will be the judge if my language games win anything useful or true, or if my ignorance of technical terms and actual goals renders my argument null and void.

So I return to the methodological question: How shall I proceed and what will I discover when I do? And it is this question which is most quintessential, for the question of method is what I believe is lacking in the study of AI. A study that an examination of the name and underlying understanding of Intelligence shows a possible methodological error therein. Ultimately, I will argue in this paper that another method and subject matter needs to be examined before a computer based intelligence could possibly be created, and that this subject matter is the only example of intelligence we have and so any other models and methods are flawed, that the only existing and demonstrable method to do so can be found in antiquity and must be recovered if one wishes to acquire any knowledge here.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Intelligence?

The term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956 but was inspired by Alan Turing in 1950 who asked the question in Computer Machinery and Intelligence “Can machines think?” Turing produced the famous Turing Test to be used to judge if an attempt to make a machine think is possibly successful. The test is purported to answer the question “Can you make a machine that is intellectually indistinguishable from a real person?” Turing predicted by the year 2000 that 30% of the time a computer would be sufficiently “intelligent” enough to be able to fool a human for a five minute test and appear indistinguishable in intelligence from the responses of another person. Some AI enthusiasts claim that this prediction has come true, and we can even argue with some of these AI “bots” in web based chat applications online and see for ourselves the clever responses they give .

As fascinating as this is, however, there is a problem here, identified right from the start: I would like to argue there has been an oversight on the behalf of Turing and his descendants. When Turing asked the question in 1950 ‘Can we make a machine think’ the test he postulated to determine if it thinks was flawed - for it does not test if a machine can actually think, but only if it can fool a human into that it can. What’s the difference? The difference is that if a machine can fool us into thinking that it thinks does not constitute that it can actually think. To draw that conclusion is a fallacy.

The usual response is that this is merely a problem of perfecting the system – that with enough time and structure a computer which 100% of the time can fool any human into thinking it is intelligent can in theory be accomplished, and would make it sufficiently comparable to intelligence. And this may be possible. However, this still does not make the computer intelligent, only able to mimic intelligence, which does not necessarily (or even probably) mean that it is actually intelligent. The assumption that these two cases are identical is cause / correlation fallacy – just because two things may be observed to have the same effect (talking like a human) does not mean they necessarily (or even probably) have the same cause (real understanding of what they are saying like the average human).

Other pre-conditions for “artificially” intelligent, non-contradictory processing of information that could be and or resemble “natural” intelligence rely on any possible intelligence being sufficiently (and actually) identical, not possibly identical as displayed by a test designed to trick fallible intelligences into believing a thing which mimics human behavior actually authentically thinks. At least, these intelligences would need to be fundamentally identical in so far as they correctly collect, process, and conceive of information both sub-consciously (involuntarily) and consciously (voluntarily). If we consider intelligence as merely the ability to react to certain stimuli (with perhaps no understanding of those stimuli) we strip the word of its meaning. Intelligence presumes, and is defined by, understanding. If you do not have the latter you do not have the former, although you may assume and claim that you do because the understanding of words may be redefined or not properly understood by intelligence. The very fact that intelligence can do this proves that understanding is required to be truly intelligent.

What the scientists in the 50’s were actually looking for was not Artificial Intelligence, but intelligence itself. So, what do you need to know in order to know you have created real intelligence? In order to actually know that you have created intelligence you first need to know what intelligence is in itself, on its own terms and using the correct method as defined by the essence of the subject at hand.

Where can we find this model of intelligence to study and by what method should we study it? The only place that we can know with certainty the subject of our study – our own mind. For we cannot know with certainly any mind other than our own, and why create a new model when one already exists to examine with a method to do so which has existed for as long as mathematics has as a discipline, namely, the Intelligible Method? Notice that I did not mention the brain, for AI is not looking to recreate only the machinery that houses the interrelations and reactions of neurons, electrical impulses and chemical reactions but those interrelations and reactions in of themselves. In other words we are generally looking for the software, in addition to the hardware, and I intend to demonstrate (or at least make plausible) the necessary distinction and difference between the two below.

To know how to use the Intelligible Method correctly, and for what subject matter it may be used to examine, we must look back into the history of philosophy and reclaim all the methods in their necessary relation which we have lost. For the Intelligible Method is the only method that can examine with certainty the content and subsistence of one’s incorporeal mind.
The Four Methods of Philosophy

Many philosophers have discussed the various methods and subject matters of philosophy. The arguments that we will look at here are chiefly the arguments of Thomas Aquinas and a few others. We will look at these authors in order to reclaim the lost methods of philosophy and to see which method or methods can help us know about intelligence on its own terms.

In his work The Division and Methods of the Sciences Thomas Aquinas argues that the entirety of the body of possible human knowledge can be divided into two categories: Speculative (or Theoretical) Science and Practical Science (or moral action). Speculative science may be further subdivided into Natural Science (or what we now call Science), Mathematics, and Divine Science (sometimes also called Theology or 1st Philosophy). The arguments for the existence of these sciences he derives from many previous authors including but not limited to Boethius, Plotinus, Aristotle, Plato, Al Farabi, and more and cannot all be examined here. All that needs be examined here are the methods used to examine these proposed sciences, the necessary interrelations between them, and one in particular, the Intelligible Method.

Very briefly put, the three different sciences each have their corresponding methods of discovery, and in so far as we can think and talk about these subjects the thread of logic bonds them all as well to human consciousness. We can know what method ought to be used for each subject based on the essence of each subject. This may appear to be circular. For the question may be asked by what method do we study a subject to learn its essence to then know what the proper method was to study that method? That being said however, at least two conditions conspire to make this a sensible transition: 1) All four methods are interrelated and rely upon one another for their indubitable or self-evident foundation, as such 2) all four methods have a self-evident or indubitable foundation upon which they can build, either native to that method or within a sister method. The very fact we ask the question means we start somewhere and may follow the chain of reasoning to what Aquinas claims is something certain.

What are these methods? What are these subject matters? How can we know they are self-evident or indubitable? As much (if not most) of the history of philosophy is concerned with answering these somewhat controversial metaphysical and epistemological questions I can only limit myself here to some of the arguments that Aquinas presented.

The four methods of philosophy and to which science they correspond according to Aquinas are: 1) Empirical Method which allows us to observe and study things in motion with no intellectual abstraction to concepts, but in which we may infer conclusions and hypotheses using logic and cause and effect reasoning to the laws or form that may govern and bind all organized matter (ie: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc).
2) Mathematical Reasoning which allows us to consider and discover mathematical objects which are abstracted to applied concepts from the material world (length, breadth, depth, weight measured in magnitude and number), but in which we may also consider the pure theoretical mathematical concepts distinct and not abstracted from the material world (such as perfect geometric shapes or length in itself, etc). 3) The Intelligible Method in which our conscious thought may be directed to consider, catalogue and reflect upon Thought itself and all its necessary properties and the possible or necessary causes of which, including form and organization in itself. The classical and medieval philosophers also argued this method allows one to reason logically to that which is pure form or incorporeal subsistence, or that which is Divine or God, hence the name Divine Science. In so far as each science moves from material objects or content to immaterial form of content to form itself, Aquinas argues all of the sciences lead to the Divine Science and the First Cause for their causal explanation. Hence this is why it is also called First Philosophy. 4) Finally, Logic, which is the method of correctly expressing discoveries in these sciences in linguistic form and hence runs through all of these sciences and corresponds and or coheres to all these methods as much as reality and consciousness dictates.

Thus constituted, Aquinas argues these four methods and three sciences are the entire body of speculative or theoretical knowledge. If they are correct they constitute the whole of possible knowledge about the entirety of the universe.

But how does this relate to AI and intelligence? Now that we have a sketch of the medieval methods and how they may correlate let us resurrect a more modern example of the intelligible method to see what light it may shine upon our subject.

First Philosophy or Descartes’ Intelligible Method

Perhaps the most well known and recent European author who used the intelligible method was Rene Descartes in the work Meditations on First Philosophy. In this modern philosophical work Descartes uses the intelligible method (hence the title: “meditations”) to discover the nature of his own consciousness - a single piece of indubitable truth, that one thing which he cannot doubt in order to discover other things that have the same indubitability. His other claims we will pass over for another time. All we are interested in here is his process of using the intelligible method and our own consciousness.

Basically then, he uses a process of doubting the opinions and truths that he had been raised to habitually believe, even so far as to exclude his own material existence in order to separate it from that which he cannot doubt, arguing that which he cannot doubt must be true and can be used as a base for all scientific enquiry. In so doing he strips away all sensory input and observational methods (for they do not bring deductive certainty but only probability which can be doubted) and he realizes that when he reflects on his own consciousness he cannot doubt that he exists as a thinking thing. For the act of doubting he thinks is a thought itself. Hence the famous realization (sometimes called the Cogito argument) “I think; I am”. But what kind of claim is this? By what method does he make this claim? Let us look at this claim more closely.

Often the Cogito argument is translated or quoted as: “I think, therefore I am.” This rendering is usually interpreted to mean that he (Descartes) may infer by logic that because he thinks, he then exists. The word “therefore” is a technical term in the method of logic meaning “because of the truth of this assertion, I may truthfully infer this conclusion”. This may seem an insignificant change from above, but perhaps it is not. For “I think, therefore I am” being true or the case because logic dictates it is so creates a problem – to what exactly does the “I” refer? This is sometimes the rebuke of critics of Descartes – the “I” is embedded into language, and as such presupposes that it “exists”, to claim that the “I” exists is an assumption not demonstrated by logic. Logic cannot tell you that you know the “I” exists with certainty, or what kind of thing it is.

If this is what Descartes meant by his Cogito argument his critics would be right that he was wrong. However, I would argue that although analytical philosophy is correct on this point, that the Cogito cannot be proven with logic, is irrelevant, for the Cogito is not demonstrated using logic but known to be indubitable by intelligible method. Technically speaking, it is not even proven as true given that true and false are technical terms from logic, only that it is a phenomena which we cannot doubt, for the act of doubting is an example of the phenomena itself.

To put it another way, “I think; I am” is the indubitable foundation of the intelligible method because to doubt it proves itself. And from this realization (or intuition) we may then infer a necessary property of thought - Thought is active. Thoughts are issued by a thinker. This is not a linguistic convention but a necessary condition. Thoughts come and go voluntarily and involuntarily, some return to us from another property our thought has: memory, some thoughts are seemingly unique and new.

All these internal observations we may perceive their presence and infer their cause for ourselves, but they all rest on the indubitable knowledge that to doubt thinking is to think – which is an impossibility. Not because logic dictates so (for there is no contradiction here), or physics (for we are not sure we are talking about a physical thing yet), but because it simply is, by proof that we think when we try to doubt we are thinking. To think to doubt that you are thinking (not in verbal sentences but in your own mind – try it for hours of fun) is closer in nature to a mathematical paradox and is quite impossible.

This is the indubitable base of both Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy and the indubitable base of the intelligible method. This short argument of course does not prove anything conclusively, but I hope that I have shown at least the plausibility of the method to making knowledge claims that have an indubitable base about our own minds. If so, then let us turn back to our theme and see what this ancient leviathan we have resurrected may make of our ultra contemporary mecha-science: AI.

The Computer: An image for the Mind

Now that we are aware of the existence and hopefully the plausibility of the Intelligible Method for our subject matter, it is time for us to make a small foray into consciousness as a proof of concept. However, instead of using the mind as a blueprint for the computer system, I will proceed like Plato who many years ago used the city (an easier thing to observe) as an image to compare to a complicated and hidden thing (namely the soul). In my case, as with keeping with the flavor of my particular time, place, and essay, I will use a typical computer system as the image for the mind, and see if the parallels we may draw cohere with the Intelligible Method and its subject – namely me, for the intelligible method does not allow me certain access to anyone’s mind but my own.

To start then, a question: On any modern Graphical User Interface, when one moves their mouse pointer to an icon in order to click it and activate a program, where exactly does the icon exist? What is the subsistence of that icon? What exactly are you clicking on? This is actually a much harder question than you think. Is the icon in the electricity traveling through the conductive pathways on the mainboard and CPU? Is it in the binary signals, the ones and zeroes, collected and interpreted by the CPU and translated into machine instructions? Or is the icon in the programming language that controls and describes the operating system that is compiled and saved on the hard drive and is rendered every time you power on the computer? Or is the icon somewhere else completely, like in the phosphorescent coating being illuminated by the cathode ray tube in your monitor (or the LEDs in your newer monitor if you are so lucky)? Or maybe the icon exists nowhere but in your own imagination, or consciousness, or in language. How can we discover which it is?

Well, what is the icon? It is a computer user interface convention that has a graphical representation on the screen that is modifiable and the program which it represents is activatable by its manual selection by a user. As such, the image we see on the monitor is not the icon – for we can take an exact copy of that image file and look at it in a graphics program, such as Adobe Photoshop. There it looks exactly like the icon on the Desktop but when clicked it doesn’t activate the program. As such, the monitor image of the icon is not the icon itself, but still part of it, without which it would not be.

Well what about the electricity on the mainboard, the binary code that is interpreted from these charged particles of disparate AC frequencies racing around the motherboard, the source code in its native or compiled state stored magnetically on the hard drive, or rendered by the CPU upon boot up and during operation, and all the other conditions that are required to make that icon appear on the screen and behave as it does? To circumvent a longer discussion, as I hope it is now apparent, all those necessary conditions must be present for the icon to appear and act as it does. No electricity, no icon. No program in either its first native, then compiled, then running state, no icon, and so on. All of these material (electrons), formal (electrons of differing frequency arranged and rendered in a certain cascading respondent organizational sequence), and efficient causes (someone inventing and making the computer, you buying it and turning on the power switch, etc) conspire to provide you with the final goal of the icon upon which you can activate a certain program in a computer system. Take away any of these causes for the icon, and you take away the icon.

Do you agree? This seems plausible if not pointless to discuss. As interesting as the sequence of Aristotle’s causes may or may not be when applied to rendered programmatic conventions for the operation of a computer system, it serves to prove my next point: as we can see above, the icon is not simply a physical thing in itself. In fact, the icon is essentially not a physical thing at all, but an incorporeal thing. An immaterial subsistence. I don’t mean simply that it is an Idea, a Form, or a non-material concept that someone compiled from existing ideas and conventions when creating the Graphical User Interface (although it is that essentially). I mean that the icon, the icon you may click on, is rendered by a computing machine and when it is rendered the electricity, the program (ie: the construction and organization of Ideas represented by electrons and organization of said electricity in a certain cascading / reacting sequence), and the act of supplying the hardware with said electricity renders the that particular icon and gives it incorporeal existence. The very idea that the icon is electricity alone simply is impossible. Which electron is it? Which group of them? They pass through the mainboard faster than you can know, so which electrons were the icon in which millisecond?

If you agree with the argument above that none of those conditions may be removed and it still be an icon then you must also except that the icon (and the sub-programs, algorithms, the kernel, the hardware device drivers, and operating and file systems that underlie it) that you see on your computer screen is a representative image of an incorporeal instance of that Idea and material organized to represent and render the operation of that Idea combined in a particular space and time, and that these things are simply not material alone, and not even primarily. For if you turn off the computer they no longer are being rendered and no longer exist. Similarly, if you plug in the computer with no operating system installed it has all the same electrons running through it that it does with the operating system installed – it is the incorporeal organization (the Form itself) and the ability of that particularly organized matter to render information that makes all the difference.

Why is this important? It is both important in itself but perhaps more important for the next point I wish to make given my subject matter: This example above is exactly how I would argue the human mind or consciousness works.

We know we have the thinking subsistence, the thinking thing that issues thoughts at will, the thing that remembers, that feels, that is curious, that has learned to recognize complex patterns, and that we cannot deny it, for denial is a thinking act, and a thinking thing that acts as an affirmation of thought itself caused by a thinker at will, which may reflect upon that very thought and its subsequent impossible denial, and remembers thinking about such things before, and hopes to think about it further, and many other related properties and attributes, too many to list here. Not all the attributes are certain, and not all of them are always around - some come and go, but the thinking thing is indubitable.

And in this way we may infer the incorporeal mind and corporeal brain operates something like a computer operating system and computer hardware respectively. The brain is a collection of organized particles which render a cascading respondent sequence of electrical impulses and chemical reactions into information, into true and false, into binary code (or something with more logical states than binary code but it seems impossible to have less than the two states of “on” and “off”). The mind is organized like an operating system, yet much more complex: we have a thinking thing which is self-aware (the kernel), that may issue thoughts at will in disparate formats (linguistic, musical, mathematical, logical, imaginary, physical commands to voluntary members, etc) which we may internally perceive, a short and long term memory which can recall past thoughts, a pattern recognition / logic / meaning interpreter which builds a database of meaning and logical relations of matrices upon matrices of meaning and reference and can both unreflectively or intuitively and reflectively map and detect contradictions in these matrices of meaning, and more.

Further, unlike a computer program we also have the ability to learn, to adapt both physically (the brain maps its pathways as it needs to bypassing faulty areas) as well our consciousness bypasses (ignores, forgets, causes us pain when we think upon) thoughts which violate its psychological integrity as much as possible, to keep the incorporeal and corporeal existence alive and well and functioning as best as it can. We don’t quite voluntarily do this but we can voluntarily focus upon it and realize that we are avoiding thinking about something because it, or a consequence of its truth, is unpleasant. The list of possible discoveries of the inner machinations of ones mind goes on.

This is not simply mere speculation for we find a basis to start organizing these properties by the foundation of the intelligible method, albeit much work would need to be done to map one mind, nevermind what we could then postulate to be common to all minds. Also given that not all minds are exactly alike or as well educated or formed - there could be drastic differences. But still, this is plausible that such an endeavor is plausible using the methods argued for above.

Further, as with the argument above, we can know that we are an incorporeal subsistence. We, whatever that is, is a thinking thing which is rendered by the brain but not the brain simply. Disrupt the organization of my brain matter (a nice way of saying do serious physical damage to my brain) and you do not alter the material world one bit (you did not blot any atoms out of existence), but you do ruin the organization of it, the immaterial organization and sequence of events which render an incorporeal consciousness. And in disrupting my organization the physical evidence seems to show that you disrupt the possibility of said consciousness continuing to exist, at least in that physical form. And with the methods I have been discussing thus far I do not see any reason to believe that you will continue to exist, for what material will render that consciousness now?

I cannot prove this either way. Perhaps the soul is immortal, and a God does exist, but given the tiny sketch of the intelligible method that has been given here I do not think such a conclusion can be reached. But that is the method you would need to use (and maybe logic and a few others) in order to prove or disprove it and that previous arguments for the immortality of the soul and the existence of the Divine exist.

If this is sketch for consciousness is true and an accurate analogy, then it seems we have made an interesting discovery in artificial intelligence – it has simultaneously failed and succeeded! 1) The goal of making a computer think has already occurred, for rendering information would seem to be thought simply put, and Turing wanted to make a computer think, yet 2) artificial intelligence has failed to create an artificial intelligence, because it is not an artificial way of thinking at all but the only way of thinking. It just doesn’t think very well, in enough ways and with enough finesse to be considered to understand very much, and as such to be truly intelligent. Is it any surprise that the evolution of operating systems with redundant memory and improved kernels has progressed unwittingly, based on simply what worked better to make a thing that is more and more intelligent (and hence useful for us, the Creators), just as our ancestors must have slowly evolved to be more intelligent or simply died out?

All speculation aside, however, there is one final component of true intelligence that AI has missed and cannot succeed in bringing into existence using its current methods, because this thing deries all current methods to study it: human free will. Volition is the essential difference that computer systems lack, they can only do what they are told. Casparov was not beaten by IBM’s Deep Blue but by the hundred or so programmers that told Deep Blue what to do in what condition. Deep Blue itself did not decide, the programmers did in advance. Human intelligences have the ability to not entirely randomly, but not entirely determinately choose a course of action, a way of thinking about something - they can be inspired with a new connotation of some meaning - and can very simply think to not think or to think something, a sentence, a piece of music, an image, even to move, all at will, in a sequence perceived in time.

The exact cause of this, the magical component that allows the determinate matter of our brain, no matter how we explain it away, to somehow render a consciousness that can will freely (albeit, freely within a determined set of choices) in spite of its seeming determined state, eludes all attempts to conclusively understand it, by any method. Without more knowledge of exactly how the voluntary intelligence works, how it starts and how it learns and grows, AI can never succeed in creating an intelligence, artificial or otherwise. For intelligence requires voluntary understanding of meaning (you have to get it yourself), and then voluntary extrapolation and or action based upon that understanding.

Perhaps that is what Turing’s followers in 1956 meant all along by calling it artificial? That he wanted to replicate that probably impossible set of conditions and knew full well that because of free will being a precondition of intelligence that true intelligence was probably impossible, but a reasonable facsimile might be possible. If you could make it work, it may be truly artificial. Perhaps this is the true goal of AI, but I believe I have shown here that a methodological addition of the Intelligible Method will have to be included, and a in depth study of the mind will have to be conducted, before such an artificial intelligence could be born.


To conclude, I hope I have shown in this paper the possible oversights of AI and made plausible the use of the Intelligible Method for further discovering the properties of intelligence. Whether or not I have, you will simply have to decide for yourself. At least, until we have computers that can do that for us.


Artificial Intelligence – An Agent approach; Eric McCreath; The Australian National University, 2003;

The Emporer’s New Mind; Roger Penrose;

(Note: this was a 2nd year paper I submitted for a philosophy class - if you would like to see the paper please contact me)

Why Star Trek Next Generation was the finest TV show. Ever.

Now, at the danger of sounding like a nerd, I like Star Trek. In fact, I like it so much that I think it is probably the best TV franchise ever created. And of all the various kinds of star treks we have had over the years I think that The Next Generation series was by far the finest, even finer than all the other Star Treks, even the original Star Trek from the sixties. I don’t say this because out of all the Star Trek series the Next Generation (TNG) had made the most money, nor does my claim depend upon the fact that TNG was the longest running series of all the various Treks, only that TNG was the finest piece of TV cinema to ever grace the television out of any category, Star Trek, Sci-fi, or any other genre.

I know, I know. You protest. You’re saying that TNG was so boring. It was a show for nerds, written by nerds, and acted by nerds. Patrick Stewart was tall and bald and kind of a “British nerd”. Nothing much ever happened; they just flew here and scanned this, flew there and scanned that. Picard didn’t have half as much charisma as the old Kirk did and he slept with a quarter of the space aliens. And speaking of sexy female space aliens, the show had a few, but nothing compared to the bouncing mammary glands of Baywatch or the hot young, sarcastic, so hard done by babes from Party of 5 or Dawson’s pond or whatever it was called. Where is the scandal? No one is “hooking up” with each other? No one has had a baby and divorced then re-married their sister and hooked up with their high school sweetheart? What gives? How could I possibly be forced to pay attention?

These may be valid complaints. However, I’d like to argue that the show was a fine piece of cinema for the exact reason that it wasn’t chalk full of those buxom bombshells and angelic looking young men. It was the finest TV show ever exactly because so-and-so didn’t hook up with their lesbian cousin and have twin babies that went on to be brain surgeons and drive Vipers, only to lose his arm in a tragic helicopter accident. In other words, as opposed to half-baked plots the show had plots about deep significant problems to the human condition, not trite surface level scandal about who slept with whom. The performance of each actor on the series was nothing short of exemplary. Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner, who played two of the most beloved characters from the series, could subtly express any emotion with a single look, from clever and hilarious sarcasm, to frightening gravity, to heart wrenching tragedy, to sweet, sweet melodrama.

The dialogue was well written and each character was perfectly moulded – each an archetype, if you will. The idealistic doctor, the honourable captain, the reckless 1st Officer, the doting ship’s councillor, the misplaced Klingon, and of course, the all-to-human android – each character an ideology, representing a clear cut set of ideas and tensions allowing the writers of the series to explore in a single episode deeper into the human condition than most movies do.

Speaking of which, the plots of course were the best part. Each week we would be pulled in deeper into this all-to-real futuristic world supposedly free from bigotry and poverty (but of course not entirely, much like North America). And of course there was excitement and danger too. Despite the relative peace in the galaxy the crew of the Enterprise NC 1701-D managed to scrap with enough aliens; from the conniving Ferengi, to imperialistic Romulans, to the terrifying machinations of the Borg. A new culture and viewpoint was examined in a subtle polemic every week and moral dilemmas that have a real counter part in our time here were examined, not always with the most politically correct answer being the final choice of the crew. It was art at its finest - it challenged our preconceived notions, it made us reflect, made us think, made us feel about issues that are bigger than us and bigger than trivial matters of dating and casual sex, while entertaining us and expanding our imagination.

Sadly, in our fast food culture such TV shows as Next Generation have gone by the wayside and have been replaced by all too contrived “Reality TV Shows” and sappy dating and family dramas. These TV shows seem hellbent to sexify every young male and female they encounter, to homogenize and liberalize every relationship and scenario portrayed. Even the current Paramount Studios Star Trek attempt entitled Enterprise is a poor excuse for a TV show, and the sexy Vulcan second officer on the ship miraculously finds a way to slip out of her skin tight suit to sleep with whatever thing she can get her dusky arms around, and ceremoniously recite the word ‘culture’ at least 5 times per show. No more the dreams for an exciting future where anything is possible. Everything now is homogenized, trivial, woefully predictable, overly politically correct. Assimilated. Resistance does indeed seem to be futile.

No more dreams for the future. No grand vision. Instead, as today’s TV shows preach, let’s just aim for getting money, food, and some sex. This will make us “happy” – a happiness shared only by, and to the same inspiring extent, as our pets. Perhaps this is most unfortunate aspect of our current viewing choices. This is overshadowed only by the possibility that a show with the vision, complexity, and depth of the old Next Generation would not even be comprehended by our current viewing public, that its subtleties would be beyond them. That without a buff blonde scarfing down worms or voting her friend off the island a TV program can no longer hold the attention of today’s typical viewer. Not only a total loss of vision and imagination but of curiosity, and sophistication as well.

Without dreams for the future, as an attempt at seriously juxtaposing and examining the problems of today, where will the spaceship that is planet earth go? Perhaps nowhere. Wherever it goes, I suppose those who desire a deeper TV experience will just have to hole up in their Nerd Holes (much like Hobbit holes) and watch re-runs of Star Trek, while the rest of the world takes its Soma…

Is there more to Eroticism than Sex?

The greek word Eros is the root for our word erotic, ie: that which has the property of eros. But what does it mean? Is that which is erotic only that which is sexual, or does it mean more?

Sorry if you thought this was a blog about sex or my sexual exploits - it's not. This log entry is a question about what eros is, and if there is more to it than sex. If you think you know, please read on and tell me if I get it right at the end.

The word eros is also translated love. How did the word for love and sexuality get to be so they can be interchanged in our vocabulary? Does our vocabulary do the original (or the extistent) term justice? (Justice: that's another funny term the topic for another entry).

It is my argument that the word eros DID have a broader meaning than we have it today, and that the meaning of the word today, the decedent of it (if you will) is a debased and banal (sp) degeneration.

This is my theory, I believe the full extension of eros and eroticism should not include only sexual intercourse, and the feelings and emotions that accompany the forethought and action thereof, but in ALL intercourse. In fact, I think eros is a word describing and governing the meaning of the continuum of all erotic activity, from love making (the goal of which is to produce a deeper friendship and relation to humans possibly (maybe even hopefully) with the result of another human born in love and from love) where (most importantly) wills or intentions (or maybe even souls) are consensually intermixed, through the "middle" of discussion, or verbal intercourse from dialectic (a friendly discussion) to eristic (a debate enterred into only to verbally and morally impose one's will upon another), to finally combat, where one seeks to violently impose their will upon the other and not have the other will imposed upon them in turn, the result of which can be death - the taking away of life in malice.

Notice a few things about my theory. 1) There is a continuum - the erotic is always combination of desire and will (sans logos, ie: no reason, but will and desire from the Platonic psyche or soul) - sex and death (as in Broch's Unknown Quantity). 2) I didn't moralize any of that description. I didn't say one expression of eros was better or worse. This is on purpose - I do not believe one expression or the other is necessarily right or wrong in ALL contexts, only where the Good will be de-minished / deharmonized.

However, my interpretation of Plato's conception of the Good can wait for another entry. This is sufficient, I think, to expound my view of eroticism - I think it is clear that my view is that there is more to it than sex - and in our debased culture (thanks to modern and post-modern philosophy) it is something we have a) forgotten and b) hampering our enoblement.

I leave it now to you, dear reader, to comment and question me as you see fit. If not, then I suppose my thoughts are only worthy of the interest of search engine spider bots who may be cognizant of it enough in the future to comment (ala Alice foundation). Until that time, then let my post serve as the endless spam which clutters our global inter network, and a personal sounding board to practice my central vice - to opine.


A beginning...

What is this about? Well with any piece of writing we should consider the title to determine what the meaning and context could be. In this case it's "Thymos - Philosophy, Art and Gung-Fu". What could that mean? What could all those concepts have in common that the author wants to draw our attention to?

To my knowledge the word thymos is Greek for "spiritedness". It is this spiritedness I want to discuss in relation to its gentle cultivation through philosophy, art and gung-fu. Or in other words, in perfecting the mind and body by subjecting oneself habitually to soul or character and body strengthening education. As I believe Plato, Nietzsche and Rousseau were trying to tell us, spiritedness is key to becoming more virtuous. To increasing arete. It is the excellence of soul which allows for a full human life. Something I think we have forgotten. Something I desire to attain.

In regards to my method, my hope and intention is to write upon these topics and have dialectic intercourse (that is to say a friendly debate using logic in the hopes of better understanding) with those other seekers after truth. It is my hope that wise people are attracted to this discussion and through dialogue with these people I may become educated upon the meaning of these things, and their relation to me. As such, comments on my posts are both allowed and welcome, as long as you are willing to engage in a friendly debate. Perhaps, during this process of discovery others will become educated as well. I hope to be able to post my thoughts once per week.

As such, I will leave this first post with the hope that we all find what we are searching for.
