So I'ze-a-thinkin'...
Informal education is very powerfull. What do I mean by informal education Mr. Unknown Interlocular? Well, let me tell you.
By Informal educaiton I mean the unofficial education one receives daily from pop-art. The media of the masses and for the masses so to speak. Not official - so that includes the little sayings people say, the colloquialisms, and also the advertising campaigns. Movies, music, etc.
Take this blog for example. The sub-title is Philosophy, Art and Gung-Fu. Philosophy is an old Greek word which means (the pursuit of being a) friend/lover of wisdom. Art is a "creative" or stylistic / imagistic expression of the truths intuited or reasoned from philosophy, and gung-fu is chinese for the "internal power" (or that's what I was told).
Three types if education, one for the rational, one for the appitetative, and the last for the spiritied - three portions of the Platonic tri-partite soul that consist of us all, one of these facets being our dominant psychological portion. Philosophy cultivates your rationality, your reason. Art cultivates and diminishes your particular desires, and gung-fu (internal style martial arts when practiced correctly - ie: including the fighting aspect) cultivates and moderates your spirit, or thymos.
So there.
By Informal educaiton I mean the unofficial education one receives daily from pop-art. The media of the masses and for the masses so to speak. Not official - so that includes the little sayings people say, the colloquialisms, and also the advertising campaigns. Movies, music, etc.
Take this blog for example. The sub-title is Philosophy, Art and Gung-Fu. Philosophy is an old Greek word which means (the pursuit of being a) friend/lover of wisdom. Art is a "creative" or stylistic / imagistic expression of the truths intuited or reasoned from philosophy, and gung-fu is chinese for the "internal power" (or that's what I was told).
Three types if education, one for the rational, one for the appitetative, and the last for the spiritied - three portions of the Platonic tri-partite soul that consist of us all, one of these facets being our dominant psychological portion. Philosophy cultivates your rationality, your reason. Art cultivates and diminishes your particular desires, and gung-fu (internal style martial arts when practiced correctly - ie: including the fighting aspect) cultivates and moderates your spirit, or thymos.
So there.
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